When it comes to Axis Face Silicon Transistors...
For the newest Axis Face I was thinking about forgoing the low gain Silicon transistors that I've been using and sticking in some higher gain BC109 and BC109C transistors. In all reality, the lower gain Silicon transistors do sound very good, but they lack the fuzz intensity that even the Germ...
Axis Fuzz - HELP!!!
Alright, life-or-death dilemma here:
I got a Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz because (obviously) it sounded AMAZING when I tried it out. I've honestly never heard anything like it, it sounds like an amp blowing up (in a good way). I'm a huge fan of both saturation and compression in a lead tone, a...
Axis Si mk 3
I built this last night on stipboard (a nice quick easy build!) and amazingly A/B'd it sounds almost the same as my NPN Ge Axis Fuzz. The Ge version has a bit more 'fizz' but to the listener the two are very obviously very similar. The only problem I have noticed is an oscillation which comes in when the con...
Axis Face Silicon Rev. 3 Posted! (1/25)
This afternoon I finally posted Revision 3 of the Axis Face Silicon. You no longer need to spend an arm and a leg on expensive matched Germanium transistors because this circuit makes a pair of low-cost Silicon transitors sound better! Not to mention that Silicon transistors don't suf...
New name for Axis Face "Bias" Control
Does anyone have any suggestions for a new name for the Axis Face "Bias" control? Since that pot doesn't control the biasing of the circuit in any way, I thought that it was time to give it a name that's more appropriate. The "Bias" control is a pot that's wired as a series resistor on the input of th...
Sneak Peak: Axis Face Silicon Revision 3
I'm working on the Axis Face Silicon Revision 3 circuit and wanted to take a quick poll about a modification that I'm thinking about applying to the circuit. The mod would consist of a switch that would change the value of the output capacitor. In one position the switch would cause the ci...
Axis Fuzz Si problems
I'm a beginner at this box building thing, so please be kind. I just put the AF Si together and realized that I don't know how to wire up the pots. I added an LED and adapter jack and am trying to use the wiring tutorial from General Guitar Gadgets (which I've used successfully on other effect...