Ok so I'm very mechanically adept (I have a 4 year degree in Model Making aka prototyping), but I lack small electronics knowledge. I am building the Tycobrahe Octavia pedal right now. I bought all the parts and have it just about wired together but I am having troubles finding the right 100uf capacitor. Mouser didn't carry that specific part number listed in the parts list on fuzzcentral (100µF electrolytic, 140-XRL24V100). I found some at radio shack but they are 35V and 50V. I'm not sure how this will effect the pedal or damage my guitar or amp. Again I am still learning all of this, sorry for my ignorance.
If anyone could help me it would be greatly appeciate. If anyone has links to how I can learn more about small electronic components and the terminology that would be appeciated also.
In a 9v pedal you can use the 35V caps but would be better off going with 16v electrolytic capacitors - any brand will do so you're not limited to a certain part #. Perhaps you know this already, but, electrolytic caps are polarized - negative and positive leads, careful with the orientation. They also come in two flavors - radial (stands up straight from the board) and axial (lays flat on the board). Virtually all pcb's will call for radial due to the spacing of the pads(holes). You could use the axial if that's all you can get but will have to jam them in by bending the leads to fit.
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