First off, check all the component values, and orientation of diode and electrolytic caps - it's easy to plop something in backwards. If all that checks out you might consider the Transistors - are they within the correct gain range? If you've bought pretested tranny's you don't have to worry so much about this. The 172's should work in place of the 127's - as I recall they are similar in their specs. Are the tranny's good? Have you tested them for leakage and gain? Germanium transistors by their nature are prone to failure. Here's a link for testing bi-polar trannys (NPN or PNP) - 172's are NPN.
It details a method of testing PNP trannys for gain and leakage - this setup can be modified to measure NPN's but I can't walk you through that - I rarely use Ge NPN's so I never test them. Have you looked over at forum? Someone there will surely know the testing method.
Hopefully my ramblings will give you a few places to search further.