Does anybody here have a wiring diagram for the Tycobrahe Octavia? I noticed that the layouts that are on the FuzzCentral site doesn't show any of the wiring for the Potentiometers and Switches ect...
Most of that switch wiring stuff is redundant, so those of us like me choose true bypass or some other method and prefer the 'uncluttered' schematics for looking at.
There are examples of switch wirings in the FAQ...
As far as the pot wiring, both are as common volume pot lug goes to ground, the other two are signal in/out. Here's how I do it. Turn the shaft fully CCW, shaft side facing you, [front of pot] with the potlugs facing your feet, turned fully CCW [all the way down] the *pointer will indicate the 'ground lug @ 7 Oclock / , CW, it'll point to the signal input lug @ 5 clock \ , the signal output lug is the 'middle/wiper' lug.
I forgot to say put on a knob with pointer or imaginary pointer, so the pointer would point at an "outside lug [Lugs 1 and 3 are the outside lugs, lug 2 is the wiper] when the pot is turned full CCW and CW...straight up when centered.