Here's what I've been working on for the last couple of weeks:
The picture is a little digital camera needs to be replaced with a newer one that does a little better apparently! The blue one is the one that has the brand new 1K reverse audio taper pot that Steve Daniels is having made by Alpha. The orange one desperately needs the 1KC pot
The 1k pot for the FF from SD @ SB certainly does make it easier to dial in the gain.
I like to add a resistor 'sometimes' between the pot and ground 'or across lugs 1 and 3 so max gain is known to go higher than I want it, then set where I want it, maybe using another trimpot to find the extra resistors chosen value.
great pedals! i built my axis face two days ago and it sounds great in my twin amp. (i love the twin response to all the fuzz) the axis sounds as good as my soulbender and definitely better than the '70. plus you give us all this info for free, fuzzcentral is great. ps The case artwork on your pedals is fantastic Phillip.