My v847 had a burnt out capacitor after a gig the other day, and the guitar centre wanted to charge me £50 to repair it, so in response to this I purchased a soldering iron and such and put in a new capacitor myself and fixed the wah... But, the point being that the fuzz I have at the moment sucks upon many donkeys, so as I had to buy the tools anyway, I was thinking why not build my own axis face thing off of here, then I can show off to all my guitar playing friends too...
However, I can't seem to locate any parts supplier who will supply the transistors I would need for said axis face, as they are all based in the USA it seems, and they charge unbelievably high postage rates and also ask for a mastercard of visa credit card (which the majority of people in the UK tend to have debit cards, like myself).
So, my question, is this... where can I aquire transistors that will do the job in this axis face from within the UK? If possible, from the internet, so I don't have to leave my house, the outside world scares me...
Cheers, -Adam
e is the best letter of the alphabet, use it wisely...
I have same problem (I live in Finland). I´m thinking about ordering the parts from banzai. They have matched pair of BC108 transistors. (specially for Si-FuzzFace) ...BUT... -Are they as good as PN2369A and BD139? -What is the use of getting matched pair, if in the schematics the transistors are different type anyway?