The commercial effects probably have a buffer circuit built in that prevents the pedal from loading the guitar signal. The buffer basically creates a high input impedance. You can either add a buffer to your Fuzz Face, continue using other buffered FX before it, or build a "buffer box" to put first in the chain. Here's a link with some more info:basic buffers
thanks again, still not sure (after reading posts from that link) if which is the correct FF sound. If my FF was first in the chain, it'd be pretty dark sounding, but if that's how it "supposed" to be then I guess it's correct.
Still also not sure why I haven't seen more about this online...
The sound of the FF is dark and farty. Hear a sample at gregv...mp3 Most people put it first in the chain, and purists put nothing after it, just a strat, the FF and valve amp. Others modifiy their wah pedals adding an output buffer. This way the wah can be placed before the FF. Placing a buffer before the FF, with a Ge transistor if possible, let the humbuckers be used.