I have seen many projects where the builders have used the Ge/Si combination...it seems more often that the Ge transistor is in the Q2 position to "color" the signal emitted from the Si \Q1 -- Please let me know if I'm understanding that correctly.
My real question relates to the stability of the circuit. Dave Fox states that combining Si and Ge transistors eliminates the problems of temperature instability associated with Ge transistors. Yet of course, one of the transistors in his hybrid Fuzz Card is Ge. Does he mean tht instability occurs only when BOTH transistors are Ge?
Lastly (at least for now) it seems like Q1 is typically considerably higher gain than Q2. What happens in a hybrid Si/Ge circuit when the gain levels are closer (such as if the Si Q1 is moderate gain and the Ge Q2 is relatively high gain)?
Pardon me, I believe I meant to say that Q1 is usually lower gain than Q2. I am very much a neophyte to this so pardon my misunderstandings as they surface in my posts.